Thursday, September 18, 2008

An update

I wish I carried good news of great health and wonderful days of school in this update-
However I carry none of the above today.

Friday I was planned to go on a retreat with the youth group for church. A little later that evening after un-packing and making my bed we went to worship somewhere in that time of worship and bright lights I fell sick with a headache and went to bed. Later on in the evening I ended up having around what I believe were to be eight seizures and I was hospitalized for that night into the early hours of the morning. Crushing the plans of going back to the retreat the seizures had really beat me down and caused lots of pain and agony. So I came home to find retreat in my bed for all day Saturday sleeping.

Sunday came around quickly and it my only wish was to go to church and my plans were to come home and finish off my homework to be prepared for school the next day. Although Sunday after weeks of dark stool and now another bought of vomiting I wasn't prepared to go to school. After finally getting in contact with my LLMD there has been talk of bleeding in my stomach. Now Thursday I am still in bed and have been vomiting all week, sore and very weak.

So through Monday- Thursday they took me off almost all meds with the exception of a stomach medication and seizure medications to lighten any load on my GI tract. They have not really done anything otherwise. Of course when you can finally get a hold of your doctor a state away with an idea of getting a scope done in your stomach your local family physician doesn't have time for you until the following week. So my appointment for my PCP is Monday and hopefully then some more answers will be found and we will have more ideas. The pain seems never ending lately and my stomach hasn't settled through the week.

As for school- I have been e-mailing my teachers in hopes of keeping up with the class and not falling behind. I have worked when I can but the work time is short and the rest is great.

Today I am supposed to get a wisdom tooth out they plan on pulling the wisdom teeth out one by one. My jaw has been in quite a bit of pain so upon my visit to the dentist I plan on asking if that is just the wisdom teeth coming in or if it is something he should give attention to now since none of my wisdom teeth have really given me any trouble other than the initial popping through the gums.

So with the up's and down's of health and confusion of the medical world here I am. They do believe the seizures were brought on by the an underlying medical condition and that there is something further going on than what is seen to the naked eye. So hopefully the stomach problems will be answered and we can all have peace of mind.

Our family is also grasping at the bit with other treatment options and potentially trying a rife machine we have pretty much exhausted my GI tract for now and we're searching for other options. The other night on a teen Lyme chat I did talk to one girl who has a rife machine but she has never used it so she doesn't know how effective it is and she is going to try to contact the previous owner's family to find out if it worked. We all are just searching for answers and I am hoping and praying that I can head back to school as soon as possible. It has crushed me to be out of school this week and the agony of a homeschooling basis is already making me think of alternative routes to get back into the groove once again.

This post and update was brought for those who do follow my health and things going on with us on the home front. I just got a comment asking for an update and I thought I would send one out.

I have gotten one call asking if they can do anything right now for our family and my only request is prayer. I have put all of this in God's hands and I will continue to do so. So if you are of any religion or denomination please join any other person in praying for healing or relief in what is going on.

As for the book group: It is still going! I am sorry I haven't updated for that either this week. What a way to end the first two chapters! What are your thoughts about his little daughters in the tent? The author has a knack for writing and I will write some more questions later on and as we get going further! Please feel free to continue to comment.

Thanks for your concern!



Anonymous said...

you are so strong! God will help you through all you are going through. I'm so glad you are able to give it all to Him. :) I've been praying for you and your family. I hope the scope goes well. I have had several of those before. Had many ulcers and such.

I am enjoying the book. I have read father than where you are but I really like it. :)

Take care, rest up. I did homescholing for most of my high school years. I understand. You want to stay in school..for the social stuff and to get out of the house..but then you're health just gets in the way!!

Good luck with trying the Rife. I know my llmd isn't really into it, but it's worth a try i guess. I'm hoping to start Lariam for babesia soon.

Prayers and healing are coming your way.

Anonymous said...

Aww Victoria, we are praying for you!
Later gaiter, Makayla

Anonymous said...

Hi all, I'm thinking that God is preparing this child to go through something. There is maturity in her questions.

God has a way of bringing things our way that later we are aware of how it prepared us for dealing with an event in our life that otherwise we might not have handled it the same.

I hope that was clear and you understand what I tried to say in that last sentence.

Auntie Deb