Thursday, October 16, 2008


Change is all around us in this season-
Right now we have constant change of the trees the color of the leaves are changing at a rapid pace and falling to the ground after a few days of experiencing the change. I am amazed every fall looking around and seeing all of the trees like a beautiful painting.
Change is in our economy how we're going to deal with the future and what is yet to come.
Our president is changing in just a few weeks...
The weather is changing although I am wondering where the brisk fall weather is. Not too cold just not as warm as it has been the past few days!
Change is in the whole entire government and the way we have lived our lives in comparison to those who have lived before us.
In this time of change we have very little that is constant and only one thing we can rely on and I am starting to realize the only thing is God.
Even when we hit rock bottom and don't really know what to do or are left scrambling for whatever we can get- It's all in result of some sort of change.

Experience change. Observe it. And try not to be bitter.

1 comment:

Renee said...

Hello Victoria
Your reflections here on Change are wonderful. I just found your blog today and am enjoying it. Your story at lymewalk is so sad and so typical of many lyme sufferers. It is especially sad when you are so young and have gone through so much. Your writing reflects your wisdom.
God bless