Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Turning Twenty

In just a week and two days I will be twenty. I have been truly struggling with this concept and I have spilt many tears over the whole getting older concept. I cannot believe that I will not be a teenager any more... But since I am just waking up, it's probably safer that I don't dwell on that too much because I am already starting to cry!

In the honor of  the year twenty... I decided I would like to celebrate my birthday. Last year, I didn't, and since I have cried so much about it: I feel this year needs to be a year of celebration or else it will be a birthday of tears!

Anyways, today, I am posting twenty links that I have wanted to post but haven't been able to for one reason or another.

1. Hm this little set up is so cute... Posted after their birthday.

2. I was tempted to ask for everything handmade this year... However, since my car broke: I really feel that I need AAA instead. Andd.... I also would love a new pair of glasses. Mine were broken a year ago and I am still mourning the loss.

3. These are so cool. As I have been planning a summer of travel, and living on faith: I have also found myself checking out trailers and I was looking at this site and they're incredible! And expensive.

4. Again with the homemade... Wouldn't it be awesome to get a birthday in a box? This is a good idea. I think I might do it as a gift for one of my friends... But basically do a whole box of goodies for the friend with the birthday. Hm. Very cool!!

5. These song charts make me smile.

6. Someday I shall read my children Pooh.

7. I need to learn from this little poster.

8. How great are these? I have been waiting for the perfect letter to send someone one in!

Okay so I am sure I have seen PLENTY of other great links... However, I never saved them in my favorites as great links. :] But alas, my anxiety is relieved, even if it is just temporary. Friends, have you had rough birthdays where no matter how much consoling you have received you just can't take the number you're about to turn? How did you deal with it? Any ideas for celebrating??

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