Tuesday, September 29, 2009

One Word.

Today as I was sitting here doing some homework I found myself back on my blog reviewing the old posts. Remdinding myself how far I have come. Sometimes just a moment of reflection is all I need to realize that things aren't as bad as they seem and the small hurdle I am facing is nothing compared to what the past has been.

In my reflection I was brought to this post. As I read the post I saw my word for the year is relax. Since college has started and things have gotten busy and hurdles have been placed in the way and there has been this or that to tend with. It has been difficult to even reflect on life let alone relax. However as I read my post over again I realized it was realistic. It wasn't some crazy thing that was something I really have to work with yet just need to fall into sync with.

It should be something that needs no reminder, to relax with the Lord to focus on his love and not so much on my own understanding. I find that so often I cannot focus on God because I am really just trying to figure everything out on my own. I am trying to sort my life out or fix it because that's what I want. However in the end, it's always God's will and it would be so much easier to just relax.

So especially with this upcoming week: I am going to relax.

1 comment:

Tori said...

That is such a good reminder. Thank you for sharing!! <3