Friday, March 12, 2010

Sitting on the Sidelines

Today I found myself at the bedside of a patient on comfort care, preparing to pass on any day now. The daughter told me about the peace her mother found in knowing she soon would be with her late husband.

It was interesting to me, and death is such a complex matter that it makes us uncomfortable in so many ways. I think as I look at this woman who has lived many years beyond me that she has lived a long life. Over 31,755 days to be exact. However, in retrospect I feel like the more I work with the patients on my floor and such, the more I realize that life is so incredibly short.

This post was a draft I found I had written on June 22nd. I never published it... It just sat in the mystery of the unknown. Waiting to be re-discovered. Well, here I am months later, I don't remember this patient too well... But I do know that it's a nice reminder that life is short.

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