Thursday, April 8, 2010

One Day Without Shoes

Today on my campus and across the globe... We're taking a step, quite literally to show our feelings about kids in other countries that are walking around without shoes. Partnering with TOMS shoes with a $2 donation we are able to walk in all of our classes without shoes and in any of the campus buildings. The dining commons on campus wanted to support us, but couldn't due to health regulations. So, they are making a donation for kids who find food elsewhere, or fast for the day.

Our acts of not wearing shoes for the day seem so small in the grand scheme of things. When you look at the global problem of children not having enough money to even get the basic necessities of life it's disheartening and rocks my world. I can't imagine or even fathom a day without food, clothing, and shelter, it just has never been something that I have even come close to. However, for many this is something they face on a daily basis. Watch the video, talk about it with friends, forget your shoes today... Make a donation... Whatever you can do to send a little light to this cause. I challenge you, what can you do to change your comfort zone how we can connect just even on a small scale, to our brothers and sisters in Christ that are suffering around the globe.

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