Monday, April 14, 2008

Medical Monday

Well- Perspectives will still probably trickle through the steady stream of posts... Although time is up! And I am starting the week off with an update on my health from the last week!

I have stayed out of the hospital all week PTL!!!!!

Although I haven't been feeling great all week many things have happened and I have been getting out a lot more than I have in the past. Although upon this I pay the price through pain and other things.

The week started out with a bang- Speaking to a Senior High English Class about Lyme and my story of Lyme disease. Along with the prevention of the disease and basic knowledge about the medical world I live in these days.

Tuesday I got re-aligned at the chiropractor after 2 surgeries I sounded like Rice Krispies!! I also got my hair washed and got to meet a wonderful lady who really impacted me with her words and I got to talk with just I don't even know how to describe it other than- it was- "A God moment" As we have been beginning to describe them.

Wednesday was another very eventful day with speaking I spoke for Fortuna Energy assisting Lis with a presentation and sharing my own personal story. Which was quite the experience speaking to 70 adults about my personal story and having the room be absolutely silent. I was a little nervous not going to lie.

Thursday I took some letters for the walk to the dentist office on behalf of my mother and we got another potential sponsor. Which was totally awesome.

Friday- I had an appointment that was forever and a year long but all turned out well. Most of the time was spent waiting.

For the teen generation-

A father was texting his son
and the lady with him took his phone and texted the son saying hey baby
The text in response was- WTF Dad?!
Needless to say the woman said it said whatever dad
He said what?

She said- I don't know it says w-t-f dad?!
And I burst out laughing... Soon they caught on

Friday night we also had a Lyme Walk meeting that was a tad stressful but a success overall. The walk is coming together greatly and I encourage you all to visit the walk website: Pre- Registration began the 11th.

Saturday I had my friend Ashley over then two gentleman joined us for a great evening of laughter and talking. It was quite the low key night but if you were on the other side of the wall you might have wondered what was so funny! Ashley my friend and I were quite full of laughter!!

Sunday was also wonderful- I got to go to church and I also made it to my friend Marissa's 18th birthday party which was awesome! I was so happy to be able to do two teenage nights in a row. It felt so nice to just be as close to the old me as possible. I wasn't judged for who I was or for having a cane we all just had a good time. It was really nice.

Today I had another appointment with my PCP and I had a decent appointment- we're starting to look into alternative treatment plans for me. I have been dealing with lots of allergies to medications and such and this is just a stepping stone. Today I definitely felt the last two days and I wasn't feeling as good as I usually do but it was overall a good day...

My inspirational person for today-

Marissa Angell-
Marissa and I met through the article Sarah and I had written in the Star-Gazette. She was very kind to me and has been a very good friend. I can't say enough good about her. She has impressed me with her skill of writing and her acceptance of others. She's a great friend and I was truly honored to be invited to her birthday party- she is a very great person! I am very blessed to have her in my life as I am all of the people that I have come in contact with thus far in my life! :D

Hoping this week continues to bring good days ahead!

Spring break for all of my friends! :)

Hope Spring is shining through all of your windows these upcoming days-


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you victoria, I love youuuu :)

My party wouldn't have been as fun without you!!