Monday, December 15, 2008

Twas the first day of Christmas...

This season has been everything but peaceful! I have been busy every night of the week and holding on by my pant legs to get everything caught up. Dot my i's and cross my t's! Packages were to be sent homework stacked high as I missed each day I missed. I am sorry for my lack of updates. Last week was difficult and this week will be a race of the fittest to see how much back work I can make up in 5 days. Complete with a photography photo shoot and a bunch of other stuff. I hope to slow down next week when we have off school and I can make priorities and finish portfolio work for college. I have a self portrait to get done and my still life to finish! Plus studying for multiple tests and working my butt off.

I come to you with even more prayer. I have a good friend Meghan Marks that her family's house burnt down this past weekend. I feel so bad and am a wreck about it. Their family has been nothing but good. Her mother also has Lyme disease and she is a wonderful girl. I am trying to think of what I can do for this family. My heart breaks for them as they enter the holiday season with little money to be found. All of the members of the family made it out of the house safely and now we're working on making the holiday a little brighter and hopefully coming together as a community. I am thinking about "selling" one of my paintings to honor this family like you buy chances for $3 and get it. Above is a sample of my paintings. Each painting of mine comes with a story and I would post a photo then it would go for around a month or so. If someone has ever done something like this and would be able to give me some insight. I am hoping to help their family. Another hardship to overcome! Prayers are appreciated.


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